Sunday, October 4, 2009


Jesus, If I were to see you face to face right now, I would probably forget all those things I've been struggling with and wanting answers for. I would probably feel like I did when I depended on my mom for comfort. I'd probably want you to hold me and I wouldn't want to leave your feet. I have an image of myself hugging your feet like a child. I WANT YOU NEAR ME! MY HEART IS LONGING FOR YOU AS I DAYDREAM OF WHAT IT WILL BE LIKE TO SEE YOU. I want you to touch my face with all of it's imperfections. I want to be with the one who created me... It's not enough to be on this earth without you, I get distracted so easily. I can't even treat people better than I treat myself. I can't do anything but I long to. I need you!
Lord, I pray that I could seek peace in every relationship and situation I am in.

"Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it." Psalm 134:14

I'm trying to know what it means to seek peace..I think it means to do good and flee from evil. Obviously anxiety is the opposite of peace.
Jesus convicts me like CRAZY with anxiety when i'm doing something He doesn't want..Oddly most of the time I get bad anxiety when I'm "talking" to guys. Actually everytime I have attempted to have a relationship (beyond friends) with a guy I get insane anxiety...It' s not a good feeling, but I'm almost positive that's how the Lord protects me.

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